Product Care


Gold is rare and beautiful, and while very durable, it can get scratched or dented. Between professional servicing, most gold jewelry can be maintained with a non-abrasive cleaner.

Avoid exposing gold jewelry to household bleach, which will quickly cause gold to discolor. Likewise, beware of chemicals, especially chlorine, as repeated exposure can weaken gold's structure and eventually lead to breakage. We recommend removing your jewelry while cleaning as acids, abrasives, and other harsh chemicals found in some common household cleaning solutions.


Unlike silver, gold doesn't develop a dull tarnished finish over time. However, we recommend cleaning your gold jewelry regularly as it can lose its luster over time if repeatedly exposed to dust, moisture, perspiration and makeup. Between professional servicing, most gold jewelry can be maintained with a non-abrasive cleaner.


Between usage, we recommend that you place your jewelry back in its original case or another suitably lined box or pouch.